We can work with you in the field and after your hunt to have beautiful leather goods made from the entire hide or a portion of the hide from your harvested animal.
Base Processing Price:
- Bighorn/Goat-$20 per square foot or $275 whole hide
- Mule Deer-$15 per square foot or $250 whole hide
- Elk-$15 per square foot or $350 whole hide
This base price covers fleshing/salting and getting the hide professionally tanned.

8×10 Picture Frame – $85 + tax/shipping
*24”x 24” needed

Shaving kit w/ patch – $115 + tax/shipping
*24”x 24” needed

Men’s wallet – $85 + tax/shipping
*12”x 12” needed

Women’s wallet – $150 + tax/shipping
*14”x 12” needed

11x10x5 bucket tote – $185 + tax/shipping
*36”x 36” needed
1 ½” Belt – $75 + tax/shipping
4” x 60” strip should be sufficient for up to 50” waist*
*Will need actual waist measurement from client or actual belt measurement from the fold to the hole worn most often.
Hundreds of miles of horse trails and 17 wilderness camps in prime Elk, Mule Deer and Trout territory.

Operating on the White River National Forest and the Flat Tops Wilderness under a special use permit from the US Forest Service. An Equal Opportunity Provider. Bonded and Insured.