As March approaches, I feel cabin fever setting in. Maybe I’m just tired of the short days, sick of looking at the same bobcat and coyote tracks avoiding my traps. Or maybe it’s seeing the bull elk close to the road with both sets of antlers teetering on his head but shed season won’t be...
Category: Blog Posts
Guide to the Colorado 2019 Bear, Deer, Elk Draw and How To Apply
Booking Update Going into March, we have the following hunts open. These hunts are draw sensitive, so please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested. 4 Open Guided Spots 1st Rifle Season – Elk/Bear – Great hunt for those focused on elk or interested in adding the bear opportunity. More comfortable weather...
Colorado Mountain Goat Draw Recommendations 2019
Here comes your 2019 Colorado mountain goat unit recommendations! If you are looking for bighorn sheep unit info, checkout our 2019 bighorn sheep guide. This article covers all the goat units that I am familiar with and have guided in over the past couple years. If you don’t see a unit discussed, it’s because there...
Colorado Bighorn Sheep Draw Recommendations 2019
I guess this is becoming an annual thing around here! Below you will find my thoughts on Colorado’s bighorn sheep areas in 2019. I have also posted an article on my 2019 Colorado goat unit recommendations here. The below post covers all the sheep units that I am familiar with and/or have guided in over...
2018 Season Report, 2019 Booking Opportunities
2019 Booking Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in booking a trip for 2019. We are way ahead on bookings going into the Holidays and want to make sure that our repeat clients get on the schedule. We also have a new 2019 bear opportunity to consider: Fall Spot and Stalk Bear...
Colorado Mountain Goat Draw Recommendations 2018
In addition to Part 1, covering the deer and elk draw for our wilderness hunts, I am putting out this 2018 Mountain Goat Draw Guide and a 2018 Bighorn Sheep Draw Guide. This article will cover all the goat units that I am familiar with and have guided in over the past couple years. If...
Colorado Bighorn Sheep Draw Recommendations 2018
In addition to Part 1, covering the deer and elk draw for our wilderness hunts, I am putting out this 2018 Bighorn Sheep Draw Guide and a 2018 Mountain Goat Draw Guide. This article covers all the sheep units that I am familiar with and/or have guided in over the past couple years. If you...
Guide to the Colorado 2018 Big Game Draw and How To Apply
The 2018 Big Game Draw Deadline is April 3rd. Don’t wait, get it done soon. Procrastination is like a credit card, a lot of fun until you get the bill. You can apply online starting March 1st. The CPW has launched a new application system. You now need an email to apply, and you will...