Spring Bear Report, Draws Coming Out, Shooting Course Openings

It is time for a Spring update. Well, with the 5-6″ of snow we got yesterday, we might have to call it a late Winter update!

Draw Results Coming Out, FTWG Availability

Sheep/Goat- Sheep and goat tags are hitting mailboxes and the results are up online. We have already booked several hunts in September, so reach out as soon as possible if you drew one of these tags and would like to be guided. Our best remaining openings are for late-Sept./early-Oct goat hunts, but I personally have availability to guide one more sheep hunt mid-September and one archery hunter in August.

Mule Deer and Moose – The “backdoor” is open for deer and moose tags. You can now check if you drew a tag for these species with a high level of certainty online. For an explanation/instructions visit here: Colorado Draw Back Door Explained

We are full for September high country buck hunts. However, we do have a couple openings for 4th seasons deer hunters from the lodge. If you drew a 4th season tag and have interest, give us a call.

Elk – The same “backdoor” described above should be open for elk tags in the next couple days. Tags should be in the mail around the first week of June.

We are completely booked for elk hunts, outside of a couple options for drop camp archers with schedule flexibility and a couple guided hunts during 2nd rifle season.

Hunter Shooting Course – Additional Venue and Summer Openings

After my previous newsletter on the hunter shooting course we received requests for a less expensive and shorter option. We secured dates for a mountain range in Utah that has historically been used to train snipers for deployment in high elevation environments. The course fits the mountain hunter’s need well. It is roughly half the cost of the Branded Rock course. We are looking to fill a couple spots in June for the course (June 14th-18th and June 28th-July 2nd). Let me know if you are interested. Details on the course are here.[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center”]http://www.flattopswildernessguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Image_019-700×700-1.jpg[/image_frame]

British Columbia Spring Hunts Report

The coastal mountains of BC had a late Spring this year. This had some implications for bear hunting, particularly the early May hunts. Bear density was down (less bears were up), but adventure was at an all-time high. Glassing bears running across avalanche chutes packed full of fragile snow isn’t something you get to do every year! Hunters were still 100%, and some large boars were taken.

We have a 10-day grizz hunt in-progress in the Northern BC Interior as I write this update. A couple grizzlies have been seen and a nice black bear harvested, but we are keeping our fingers crossed for Jimmy and Brent on harvesting a big old grizz. Our next newsletter will have an update on that trip.

If you have interest in a 2018 bear hunt in Colorado or British Columbia, reach out with any questions. We are already starting to fill our spots.

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